Dykes Moulding - CAD Blocks
Looking for a collection of the Dykes Lumber moulding profiles in CAD format? Here you go. Download the Dykes Moulding file here. (381 kb) The profiles have been compiled into a single file, each profile a separate block. (Design Center users rejoice!) This file is in v2000 format. Much thanks goes to Adam Godbout for providing the file. Happy CADDing. Edit: The following download contains the collection of Dykes profiles in individual dxf files....AutoCAD Blocks
Scratch! (An AutoCAD Scratchpad Utility)
Scratch provides a quick & simple way to utilize a temporary scratchpad layer in AutoCAD. Scratch allows you to quickly switch in & out of the scratchpad layer, and throw it away whenever you want, leaving the rest of your AutoCAD drawing untouched. I’ve been using it for transferring geometry building complex shapes (I use the boundary command later to create objects) throwaway dimensions (when estimating & sketching ideas) Download UPDATE: Scratch v0....AutoCAD Code
CADalyzer 0.7 Update (AutoCAD Command Counter)
This is an update to the Cadalyzer script that I posted a few months ago. It will count the number of commands you have used in AutoCAD; it does this by examining your AutoCAD log files. (You can enable log files in AutoCAD’s options dialogue box.) Cadalyzer 0.7 on GitHub New features are listed below Counting mechanism has be rebuilt, the script now computes 25 times faster than the previous version!...AutoCAD Code
Dykes Moulding - CAD Files
If you’ve downloaded the Dykes Moulding CAD files from their website you may have noticed that the profiles are not to scale. From what I could see, the scale factor seems to be the same for all the files, approximately 0.056568174....AutoCAD Blocks